• Biljana Petrevska Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics – Gevgelija, Macedonia
Keywords: Tourism, Accommodation capacities, Competitiveness, Macedonia


Creating an adequate tourism supply which will meet the demand is a challenge for every country that seeks a planned tourism development. Tourism infrastructure is an essential part of the tourism supply and must be pro- jected on a thorough analysis of the tourism demand. This paper argues the necessity of initiating measures and activities for enhancing tourism competitiveness in Macedonia. The recommendations stemmed from detailed calculations as a base for analyzing accommodation capacities, measured by the number of hotel beds and hotel rooms in Macedonia for the period 1990-2010. In that respect, their optimal number is estimated by employing the standard formulas. The results pointed to a significant over dimension of current hotel accommodation supply in Macedonia.

Author Biography

Biljana Petrevska, Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics – Gevgelija, Macedonia


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