High unemployment rates, low employment rates, low levels of GDP per capita and still higher orientation of the activities of primary and secondary sector characterize Macedonia and other Western Balkan countries. In such circumstances, as a basic long-term economic and strategic goal is full membership in the EU, which is a complex and time-consuming process that requires the creation of foundations for the implementation of comprehensive structural reforms. It is identified the importance of investing in research and development and general knowledge-based activities, which represent a fundamental contemporary economic resource. The goal of the conducted research is to analyze the economic situation and the level of investment in research and development in Macedonia and to propose appropriate measures for their improvement. The purpose of the research is to highlight the importance of investing in research and development to achieve economic growth and the achievement of structural reforms in Macedonia, as a function of its adjustment to the EU economy. The research is based on the secondary sources, ie, statistical bases of the EU (Eurostat), AMECO and the World Bank as well as on data from the national statistical base and national strategic documentsReferences
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