The world has witnessed successive waves of technology and telecommunications changes in the last few years. These waves of digital revolution has resulted directly to changes in the banking sector around the world. Banks in Jordan followed these waves which affected the ways of receiving and sending financial information, and promoting the banks new product and services. Traditional banking services have been subjected to many stages of development, and shifted from traditional activities that uses paper, to technical and virtual banks that use different networks. This study aims to evaluate the effect of E-banking services on the bank's profitability in Jordan. We have selected a sample of one of the biggest and successful commercial banks in Jordan to analyze the impact of implementing E-banking services on its profitability for the period of 2010-2015. The results of this paper shows that there is a positive relationship between banks billing (e-FAWATEER com) services, the use of E-banking , and using banks cards on the bank's profitability.References
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