• Nikola Levkov Faculty of Economics in Skopje,Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
  • Marija Trpkova Nestorovska Faculty of Economics in Skopje,Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Keywords: management innovation, time to innovate, training, level of education, company size


The focus of the study is to test the relationship between some key internal antecedents and management innovation, in companies from Western Balkan Countries. In this study management innovation is conceptualized as the introduction of new management and organizational practices that are new to the company. Using a large data sample, from Business Environment Enterprise Performance Surveys (BEEPS) and through binary logistic regression, a positive relationship was confirmed between three internal antecedents and management innovation. Findings indicate that giving time to employees to try a new approach or new ideas, providing training to employees and the size of the company, are positively related to management innovation. Surprisingly andconversely to results of some previous studies, the relationship between the level of education of the workforce and management innovation was not confirmed. Also, the expected inverse relationship between the inadequatelevel of education as an obstacle in company work and the level of adoption of management innovation was not confirmed. Findings from this research study can help management practitioners, scholars and policymakers, to better understand key drivers of management innovation in transition economies from the Western Balkan Region.


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