• Marjan Petreski Economist for macroeconomic models and forecasting Ministry of Finance
Keywords: exchange rate regime, output volatility, peg exit


The aim of this paper is to offer some less-explored theoretical insights into the exchange rate economics. The debate of whether to fix or to float is still lively, even in the context of output volatility under alternative exchange rate regimes; specifically, the effect of the exchange rate regime on output volatility remains unclear. The very scarce number of studies found divergent results: none of those are overwhelming and none give clear notion of how the regime affects output volatility. The latter might be due to the fact that the exchange-rate regime is not related to output volatility neither, but also due to the fact that the very limited number of studies on this issue do not comprehend it in a coherent and serious manner. Consequently, the issue remains and empirical problem and asks for further empirical investigation.

Author Biography

Marjan Petreski, Economist for macroeconomic models and forecasting Ministry of Finance
PhD candidateStaffordshire University, UK


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