The economic rights of women are represented by the level of participation in jobs, in keeping the job and in the reward. Getting a job for the Albanian women is limited by a considerable amount of factors, such as the duty and the responsibility in growing up the children, doing housework, the education level, the limited access in professional personality, the possibility to get a loan etc.The women in Albania have less access than the men in starting a job, and as a result, the level of their unemployment is higher. Even though the access of women in education is equal to the access of men, this does not provide the women with the same opportunities as the men in labour market. The level of employed women is lower than the level of employed men and this phenomenon has attracted a lot of economists all over the world. It is obvious that the economic behavior of women related to the decisions in the work labour depends on some factors that are result of the graphic of the supply of the work on the life cycle.References
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Meshkuj -Femra 2008 INSTAT